Sonntag, 19. Juli 2009

Illmitz 2009 - Biologische Station

From July 11th to 18th I volunteered at the "Biologische Station" in Illmitz in the National Park Neusiedler See - Seewinkel. My job was it to assist in the (basically song-) bird ringing process. Besides extracting birds from the mist nets and scribing work I ringed more than 100 birds in this week! Thanks to the station head Matthias and the other team members Christine, Tom and Dennis!

The road to the mist nets:

Sedge Warbler:

Me processing a Reed Warbler:

The ringing lab:

Sedge Warbler:

Male Red-backed Shrike:

Ring snake:

Male Bearded Tit:

Juvenile Bearded Tits:

Matthias with a Common Sandpiper:

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