Last weekend I got the opportunity to do some assistance work at the ringing station "Hartberger Gmoos". It is one of the biggest ringing stations in Austria and located not far from my home . Mostly passerines are caught with mist nets which are checked every full hour from sunrise to sunset. All in all, it was a great weekend (although I didn't get much sleep :) and
I enjoyed it to work with and learn from Otto S., head of the station!
Here are some pictures:
1Y Chiffchaff:
Reed Warbler:
Savi's Warbler:
The room, where the birds are ringed, measured, aged, sexed and weighed. (The person on the left is Otto.)
Me ringing a Blackcap.
On the walk to the mist nets:
A Marsh warbler hanging in the net:
Otto with a juvenile Water rail:
Close up: